Anti-Chlorinated Feminism
Rosemarie Dombrowski

The gospel of the journey is realizing
that eating is a political act,
that the Woodstock of the mind
is everywhere on a tiny planet like ours,

that the inventory of the body
is equivalent to
the trauma that comes from
crop-dust in our eyes,
carcinogens in the crotches of our panties,
black women doing the math
that put white men on the moon.

And there are always
more questions for consideration—
like admitting that it’s hard to tell who’s shooting
while we’re praying with our eyes closed.

Rosemarie Dombrowski is the founder of rinky dink press, the co-founder and host of the Phoenix Poetry Series, and an editor for Four Chambers. She has received four Pushcart nominations, was a finalist for the Pangea Poetry Prize in 2015, and was nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology in 2016 (Sundress publications). Her collections include The Book of Emergencies (Five Oaks Press, 2014), which was the recipient of the 2016 Human Relations Indie Book Award for Poetry (Personal Challenge category), and The Philosophy of Unclean Things (Finishing Line Press, 2017). She teaches courses on radical poetics, women’s literature, and creative ethnography at Arizona State University’s Downtown campus. Additionally, she was selected in December 2016 to be the inaugural poet laureate of Phoenix, AZ.