Ray Ball
The Four-Legged Beast
Nick Conrad
Their Gaze
John Cullen
Madeleine Gallo
On a Dream
Bill Garten
Still Poor
James Grabill
Where the Brain’s Close to Leaves
Betsy Johnson-Miller
who can stand
Joshua Lindenbaum
A Date Night
Jesse Miksic
Daniel Edward Moore
Arousal Rule
Keith Moul
Enter the Mausoleum
Mary K. O’Melveny
Frederick Douglass was Right
Rebecca Oxley
M. Rather, Jr.
A Conversation with a Serpent
Marilee Richards
Alien Encounter
Dale Ritterbusch
Writing in the Margins
David Rock
Requiem for a Blue Jay
Gerard Sarnat
Boomer in Winter
Emily Shearer
Mark Simpson
Rachel Sobylya
Ann Christine Tabaka
And the Rains Came
Joanna White
Two-Way Mirror
Howard Winn
Vulgar Poet
Jonathan Yungkans
How We Bleed

Nina Fosati
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Rebecca Jensen
Thank You for Noticing
Guinotte Wise
Me and Ariel, How We Met. How We Parted.
Zoë Wise
Briefly, a Pelican

Marlena Fiol
Zwieback and Leprosy
Michael Palmer
Amy in Opening Lines
Carissa Stevens

Christopher Rzigilinski